Astronomy Photographs and Information:
- Comet Hale-Bopp -There are three images (Feb. 19 March 8 and March 9) of Comet Hale-Bopp. There are two new images of Comet Hale-Bopp taken at 8:00 PM PST, March 28 near Pescadero, California. The photo on the right was taken with the camera (70mm lens) piggybacked on a clock driven telescope. This photo shows some interesting structure in the blue ionization tail. Earlier photos showed little structure. Note the double cluster in Perseus in the upper left hand corner. Also, at 8:30 PM PST on March 28 a second image was taken through the telescope lens (Meade LX2080 Schmidt-Cassegrain, 2000mm, f10).
- Comet Hyakutake Almost ten years after Halley's Comet made it's appearance Hyakutake thrilled observers with a stunning display. This photograph was taken on March 24, 1996. (ASA 400, 5 minute exposure).
- Halley's Comet was photographed in the Santa Cruz Mountains near San Jose, California in the early morning of March, 1986. The sky has since deteriorated due to development and subsequent light pollution. It is becoming more and more difficult to find suitable dark skies for great astronomy observations.
- Close-up of Halley's Comet - Peter Markus of American Planet has scanned this photograph for an interesting close-up of Halley's Comet.
- A compiled list of Meteor Showers.
- Links to Information about the stunning formation of three satellites NOS (Naval Oceanographic Surveillance Satellite) aka as "Triplet" or "Whitecloud".